Collective management organisations
What is the Audiovisual Works Convenant?
This regulation allows heritage institutions to publish copyright protected audiovisual works online without requiring permission from the rights holder(s). Providing these works are out of commerce or never have been....
Read articleWhat is the Musical Works Convenant?
This regulation allows heritage institutions to publish copyright protected musical works online without the need for permission from the rights holder(s). Providing these works are out of commerce or never...
Read articleWhat is meant by reproduction right?
Journals, books and newspapers are often protected by copyright. Organisations in education, government and business can make copies of these publications, provided that they pay a reproduction right fee. This...
Read articleWhat is a home copy?
A home copy is a photo, text or digital copy taken by someone for their own non-commercial use. This is permitted under the Dutch Copyright Act (Articles 16b and 16c)....
Read articleWhat does the agreement for films and TV programmes entail?
The agreements on the disclosure of films and television programmes are contracts between the collective management organisations FilmService (which manages the copyrights of the rightsholders of films) and Videma (television...
Read articleI want to show a film at a party of a student association or another type of non-educational event of the education institution. Is that allowed?
This is a type of disclosure that has no educational purpose (but is rather entertainment) and always requires permission from the rights holder. For feature films, a licence can be...
Read articleI would like to show a video on an open day at the education institution. Is that allowed?
Yes, this is allowed thanks to an agreement with the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences with FilmService and Videma. More information FilmServiceVidema
Read articleWhat are collective management organisations (CMO)?
Collective management organisations manage the exploitation rights of certain groups of rightsholders. You can contact these rights organisations to quickly obtain permission for the use of several works by various...
Read articleWhat should I do if I can't find the rightsholder?
Where a serious search for the rightsholder is unsuccessful, their work may not be used from a strictly legal point of view. Fortunately, the copyright exceptions sometimes apply to certain...
Read articleIs permission required for the use of copyrighted (audio)visual works in education?
Playing or showing an audiovisual work (in its entirety) is permitted without permission, provided that the following conditions are met: Playing or showing the audiovisual work serves an educational purpose...
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