Audio and video
What is the Audiovisual Works Convenant?
This regulation allows heritage institutions to publish copyright protected audiovisual works online without requiring permission from the rights holder(s). Providing these works are out of commerce or never have been....
Read articleWhat is the Musical Works Convenant?
This regulation allows heritage institutions to publish copyright protected musical works online without the need for permission from the rights holder(s). Providing these works are out of commerce or never...
Read articleWhat does the agreement for films and TV programmes entail?
The agreements on the disclosure of films and television programmes are contracts between the collective management organisations FilmService (which manages the copyrights of the rightsholders of films) and Videma (television...
Read articleCan I place a copy of someone else’s video on the video server or the digital learning environment of my course so that my students can use it?
No, for a full video, this can only be done with the copyright holder's permission.
Read articleI want to show a film at a party of a student association or another type of non-educational event of the education institution. Is that allowed?
This is a type of disclosure that has no educational purpose (but is rather entertainment) and always requires permission from the rights holder. For feature films, a licence can be...
Read articleI would like to show a video on an open day at the education institution. Is that allowed?
Yes, this is allowed thanks to an agreement with the Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences with FilmService and Videma. More information FilmServiceVidema
Read articleCan I show a film I bought in a shop in a classroom for education purposes?
Videos and DVDs for personal sale often state an explicit ban on showing the film in education. Consequently, permission must be obtained separately from the film producer. This prohibition is...
Read articleDo I always have to use a legal source to make copies of television and online content?
Yes, uploading and downloading film files without the rightsholders' permission is prohibited since 10 April 2014. More information Dutch Copyright Act
Read articleCan I download an online photo, audio recording or other work and use it for education purposes?
You can copy and show photos and (parts of) audio recordings and other works for education purposes subject to the conditions of the described exceptions for use in education. You...
Read articleCan I record or download a film that has been broadcast on television or is available online?
Both recording and downloading are regarded as reproduction. This requires the creator's permission and you have to pay them a fee. There are a number of exceptions, depending on the...
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