Can I use my phone to take photos of the PowerPoints in class?
From a copyright standpoint, the education institution owns the content of teaching resources. You will probably be allowed to take photos of these teaching resources, but you can't simply post...
Read articleCan I use parts of a video in my project, PowerPoint presentation or digital learning environment?
Yes, you can include parts of a work for educational purposes only.
Read articleI worked with several colleagues to create educational resources together. So who owns the copyright in that case?
Copyright lies with the institution (university of applied sciences or university) insofar as all authors are employed by the institution. Or other agreements must have been made between your institution...
Read articleDoes the education institution own the copyright in students' work?
No, in principle the student retains the copyright in their work. If the student's work was on behalf of the education institution as part of a course, the institution can...
Read articleCan I change another person’s article or add things to it?
No, modifying or editing an article is a form of reproduction, which only the copyright holder is allowed to do. You may translate the article for your own use without...
Read articleCan I use a colleague's (paper) publication in my educational setting?
Yes, provided that the (paper) publication is only used to explain a certain subject matter in non-commercial education. Another condition is that the publication then becomes part of a curriculum...
Read articleCan I post a link to someone else’s article on our site?
Yes, you are allowed to include such a link, as long as they don't lead to illegally published works. Links that give a new audience group access to the content...
Read articleCan I use my own thesis for future (educational) projects?
This is about reuse without modification. Yes, you can, unless you have made arrangements with your work placement company that this is not allowed. Once you have signed the consent...
Read articleCan I send a preprint of my article by email?
Yes, as long as the copyrights have not (already) been assigned or belong to another party (such as the employer). Sending a preprint by email is a form of disclosure,...
Read articleWhat is my employer allowed to do with the educational resources I created?
In general, your employer owns the copyright in the educational resources you created. In that case, the employer may do as it pleases with the resources. However, the employer may...
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