APA Reference list
How do I reference a document with a URL that ends with .pdf?
Online pdfs tend to be considered as informal publications, such reports and guides. See section ‘Textual works’ in one of the libguides on APA Style.If this is not the case,...
Read articleHow do I include a book, magazine article, report, etc. in the reference list if I retrieved it online, from a database for example?
In the reference list, the publication is included as an online source, as there may be a difference between the online and printed versions. Some databases, such as Nexis Uni,...
Read articleHow do I include a special issue of a journal or magazine in the reference list?
List the editors of the issue and include a description after the issue title in square brackets, for example 'Special issue' or 'Supplement': Le-May Sheffield, S., Serbati, A., & Timmermans,...
Read articleHow do I cite a magazine or newspaper article with no volume, issue or page numbering?
In some cases, especially for online sources, the volume, issue and/or page numbering are missing. These numbers may also be omitted for special sections and appendices. If this information is...
Read articleHow should a student cite a previously written report?
When students use one of their previous reports or assignments in a new report, they have to refer to the source with an in-text citation and an entry in the...
Read articleHow do I cite my own translation of a source?
You may translate a quote, for example for your reader's convenience. A translation is considered a paraphrase, not a direct quotation. You do not need to mention that you translated...
Read articleIs a translator included in the in-text citation or reference list?
Translators are not mentioned in the in-text citation, but are listed in the reference list. If known, also state the original year of publication. Shakespeare, W. (2015). Romeo y Julieta...
Read articleHow do I create an entry of a book chapter in a reference list?
If all chapters are written by the same author(s), only write a reference for the whole book. If preferred, the chapter may be cited in the text. Whitney, E., &...
Read articleShould a reference entry of a publication in Dutch be translated in a report written in English?
For English-speaking readers, it is recommended to include an English translation of organisations and titles in square brackets in the reference list: Gezondheidsraad [Dutch Health Organisation]. (2021). WBO: Proefbevolkingsonderzoek naar...
Read articleIs the ISBN listed in the reference list?
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) is not listed in the reference list.
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